Having a swimming pool allows you and the family to fully enjoy the summer and make the most out of the great outdoor weather it brings. You can invite friends or family over for a pool party or just take some time to relax. Although pools are great for many things, safety should still be taken into consideration when using them. If you are looking for a good quality pool inspector, follow the points below.
Why Book a Pool Inspection?
Having a certificate for pool compliance is not just about following the law, safety is the key element. To ensure no accidents happen in your pool, you must have certain features in place to protect the swimming pool or spa. A pool inspector will do many things when they visit your property, the first thing they evaluate is compliance.
Pool compliance in Sydney is carried out by local government or by accredited certifiers. When you book an appointment with a pool inspector who works for a private company, they will look for malfunctioning equipment or unsafe conditions and point them out to the owner. When all these issues are resolved, they can issue you with a certificate of compliance.
When a pool inspector visits your property, they will assess a range of features, some of which include:
- Pool fence
- Trees & Bushes
- Exterior Surface
- Pool Gate
The inspector wants to ensure that everything is in working order and nothing violates state regulations on pool safety.
Choosing the Right Inspector
It is important to feel comfortable with your pool inspector. They should have lots of experience in the industry and provide a professional service to their clients. If you are looking for pool inspectors and accredited pool certifiers, you can go online and search for companies in your area. It is easy to find a list of accredited certifiers who can perform an inspection and issue a compliance certificate.
Another easy way to find a good inspector is to speak to family and friends. If they have a pool, there is a good chance they can recommend a pool inspector.
Having a swimming pool is a huge bonus in the summer. It provides a great place to exercise, relax or have fun with friends. But you can only truly enjoy your pool when you know it is compliant and the only way to do that is to deal with a professional accredited pool inspector.